Monday, August 23, 2010

Too Cute : Rachel Bilson

Wearing Vanessa Bruno at the Chateau Marmont, Rachel Bilson wins again. She always manages to look both classic and fashion forward. I'm obsessed with her shoes!

Eva Mendes

Love! Eva Mendes looks like she is one of those Old Hollywood icons that people will idolize for years to come in this outfit. The dress is a classic, and with her high ponytail and those beautiful glasses (I want them!) she looks amazing. Nothing bad to say, only love!

LOL Carrie Underwood.

Haha, I'm imagining what she thought she looked like when she got dressed, and then looking at the reality of it, and I doubt they match. This outfit is all kinds of ridiculous. I think the shoes with the thigh highs are the best part. She looks like she is going to one of those euro"school disco" themed parties that would be hosted at a giant club with strobe lights that hosts a foam party the following night. It's almost not fair to laugh, she needs help.

Cool dress, Blake Lively

I read someone, somewhere referring to miss Lively as Boobs Leggy. Granted, it's not the most creative or evolved nickname I've ever heard, but it is accurate. You won't see this girl at an event where her boobs or legs --often both--aren't on display. Hey, the girl knows what her assets are. That's why this dress is a welcome change, her neckline is much higher than usual but she looks far from dowdy. The dress still shows of her legs but it isn't as fitted what she usually wears. My favourite thing is the dress itself, I love the dichotomy between the tweed top and bottom and the black mesh midriff. Very cool.


I think I get where she was going with the first outfit, but it looks like she bought her clothes in the kids department of a baby prostitute store. A crop top is fine, but because she is wearing it with a skirt that looks about a size too small worn up higher than it is intended to go, she looks like a giant. The second outfit is much better, I like the dress, it flatters her shape well, and the skirt actually fits.

Olivia Palermo

Olivia Palermo bugs me for some reason, maybe I've been swayed by watching The City. However, the girl has an eye for style and always looks interesting and put together.

I love the skirt in the first picture. The colour is so rich and it looks great with her skin tone. The loose Victorian looking top works well with it too, and I love the lace-up, open-toe boots. The second outfit is my favourite though; it looks vintage and classic, and modern and trendy at the same time. The leather shorts are cute and a nice fit, and I want that jacket.

Drew Barrymore--The good, the bad, and the

I love Drew Barrymore, but she can be pretty hit or miss with her clothing choices. Take this last week for example...

The first outfit she wore to V festival, so I guess it's sort of venue-appropriate. To me, it looks like she is trying too hard. I think I like each piece that she is wearing individually, even the fringe top might look cool if worn differently, but put them together and it's a mess. The khaki green dress is adorable, great colour for her, great fit, she looks good. The third, again, I'm not so sure about. I've seen hair jackets in editorials and they look cool, but this one doesn't really seem to translate to real life--she kind of has a Cousin It thing going on. The best thing about Drew is that although it doesn't always pay oft, she takes risks. I'd much rather see this than say, Jennifer Aniston, who wears the same LBD and strappy sandals that she did in her Friends days.

Oops...Julia Roberts

Remember when Julia Roberts topped the A-list and turned up at events wearing timelessly elegant gowns (like the Valentino dress she wore when she won Best Actress?) Well apparently, being out of the spotlight for a while, she's forgotten how to dress (or she just doesn't care anymore).

She stepped out last week wearing two of the least flattering and most aging dresses I have ever seen. The first dress is a bit unflattering, the pattern is pretty bad and it's just sooo dull. The second outfit though, is appalling. She looks like Olive Oyl's weird mom. The pattern is awful, and proportions are off. The length looks strange when combined with the billowy fit. The fit on top, the way it's cinched in the middle, and to too-large sleeves make her look boxy and bigger than she is. I wish she would re-hire her old stylist.

Friday, August 20, 2010

What a beaut...

Zoe Kravitz for Alexander Wang

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I guess this doesn't really have a place in a fashion/style blog, unless you consider fur coats? But I would just like to point out Simon Cowell's bizarre manscaping. I'm trying to guess what he was thinking, but all I can come up with is that he did his back, and then decided that stopping right at his side would look unnatural, so he carried on. He should have either kept going or left it alone. The grooming isn't even the worst part, it's the lack of shirt that bothers me. Even if he looked like Marky Mark in a Calvin Klein ad, there is no place where full shoes, long pants and no shirt is appropriate attire. In fact, never should a man go without a shirt in public unless he is on the beach or next to water, it's tacky.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Art Imitating Life?

The most recent issue of Vogue Italia features model Kristen McMenamy covered in oil draped around a polluted beach. The spread, shot in LA by Steven Meisel, is 24 pages and also includes images of McMenamy clutching her throat and coughing up oil. For obvious reasons, these sombre images have ignited controversy in the media. The shoot took place as a reaction to the recent BP oil spill, the ramifications of which the world is still suffering from. Many residents of the Gulf Coast, who have been affected most deeply, believe the spread to be insensitive, and think that Vogue Italia is capitalizing on the calamity to sell magazines. Vogue Editor-in-Chief, Franca Sozzi, claims the magazine did not intend to offend, but instead to send the message to be careful with nature. Features director Carlo Ducci goes further to say, "We can't be silent in this kind of situation and why shouldn't our interpretation be artistic?" I think the images are beautiful in an eerie sort of way, but is "the message" a bit rich coming from people who were probably pretty unaffected by the disaster? Or is the spread a grotesquely beautiful interpretation of art imitating life? I don't know, can't it be both?

Monday, August 9, 2010

You Like??

If someone had told me that Emma Watson got a buzz cut before I saw it, my reaction would've been "Euughhh! Why?" I think she looks adorable though, obvious comparisons to Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby spring to mind. She is amongst the lucky few with the mug to pull it off. Well-played, Emma.

Other actresses who have worn the pixie cut successfully;


My favourite. It's like Gaga meets Barbarella...lovely. I love how monochromatic this picture is, and I think this is my favourite Lady GaGa wig--the long one with the yellow is a close second.


Bobby Brown has just come out with an eyeshadow fit for a Canadian. It's called Denim Sparkle Eyeshadow, and it's a metallic blue that's meant to be subtle. Of course, if you really want your eyelids to look like denim you can just wet your brush first. I'm really looking forward to trying it out, it would be magic with my Canadian Tuxedo :

... I think I might have a patchy denim handbag, and some really awesome jean boots hanging out in the back of my closet somewhere, but I'm afraid it might be a little O.T.T.

PS: I just wanted to say how flattered I am, on behalf of my country, that this trend has resurfaced. Thank-you, Alexa Chung, for making it cool again.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

LFW Pre-Collections SS11


Christopher Kane

Matthew Williamson

Matthew Williamson

Felder Felder

Felder Felder

Emma Cook

Burberry Prorsum

Burberry Prorsum