Monday, August 23, 2010

Drew Barrymore--The good, the bad, and the

I love Drew Barrymore, but she can be pretty hit or miss with her clothing choices. Take this last week for example...

The first outfit she wore to V festival, so I guess it's sort of venue-appropriate. To me, it looks like she is trying too hard. I think I like each piece that she is wearing individually, even the fringe top might look cool if worn differently, but put them together and it's a mess. The khaki green dress is adorable, great colour for her, great fit, she looks good. The third, again, I'm not so sure about. I've seen hair jackets in editorials and they look cool, but this one doesn't really seem to translate to real life--she kind of has a Cousin It thing going on. The best thing about Drew is that although it doesn't always pay oft, she takes risks. I'd much rather see this than say, Jennifer Aniston, who wears the same LBD and strappy sandals that she did in her Friends days.

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