Monday, August 23, 2010

Oops...Julia Roberts

Remember when Julia Roberts topped the A-list and turned up at events wearing timelessly elegant gowns (like the Valentino dress she wore when she won Best Actress?) Well apparently, being out of the spotlight for a while, she's forgotten how to dress (or she just doesn't care anymore).

She stepped out last week wearing two of the least flattering and most aging dresses I have ever seen. The first dress is a bit unflattering, the pattern is pretty bad and it's just sooo dull. The second outfit though, is appalling. She looks like Olive Oyl's weird mom. The pattern is awful, and proportions are off. The length looks strange when combined with the billowy fit. The fit on top, the way it's cinched in the middle, and to too-large sleeves make her look boxy and bigger than she is. I wish she would re-hire her old stylist.

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