Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Burberry Prorsum S/S11 Womenswear

So, lucky me, I won a ticket through my school to go see the Burberry Prorsum Womenswear show. I was so excited for my first real fashion show that I spent the day before trying to think of what to wear, and shopping for said outfit. After much deliberation, I finally settled on a nude-rose kind of shift dress from Top Shop, but once I got to the show it really didn't matter. Nobody cared what I was wearing (except, obviously, for me) when there was a room full of fashionistas who were far more interesting and famous than myself. It was fantastic. Let me paint an image of what I experienced at the show...

The Before

I arrive in the enormous queue of people waiting to get in, and there are ticket checkers every two meters to prevent any gatecrashers. The room is all white, with a glossy black catwalk and a mirrored Burberry pattern on the backdrop. When I get inside, I'm herded to the back of the room with all of the other standing ticket holders. Apparently, I wasn't the only nobody concerned with what I would wear, the room was full of die hard fashion fans and bloggers who haven't reached Tav'i fame, especially the standing row were I was placed. Let me tell you, they all cared what they were wearing. Never have I seen such a big place filled with so many well dressed people. Not to mention the amount of designer bags, big sunglasses (in a very dim room), and crackberry addicts--I include myself in the last. Watching the crowd was definitely worth arriving a few minutes early for. As I looked around, waiting for the show to begin, I noticed that most eyes in the room are on the coveted front row seats and the people filling them. Most were editors, some were celebrities whom I failed to recognize but overheard people whisper about, and of course there was Anna Wintour. I froze a bit when I saw her. Apparently I missed out on catching a glimpse of both Sarah Jessica Parker and Alexa Chung, for which I am very disappointed.

The Show

The lights dim, the whispers stop, glitter falls, and the heavily emo music starts. The models start walking out. To start, the models wear neutral beige trench coats, biker jackets and leather trousers with pops of orange, sky blue, and lime green accessories. The coats and trousers are very motorcycle inspired with quilted detailing. One in particular caught my attention, it was a mid length beige classic trench with quilted and patent leather sleeves, and I wanted it. Then we saw a few vividly coloured dresses and skirts. A model wearing one of them had the worst walk I have ever seen. It was shocking, I couldn't figure out what she was doing. It was as if her shoes were two sizes too big, and four inches too high, and she was trying desperately to keep them on her feet while staying upright. I soon realized that there must have been a problem with the shoes, as two models took their shoes off mid walk, one model tripped, and the poor girl with the awful walk took a tragic nose dive just seconds before being off the runway at the very end of the show. Pity, I was really rooting for her, and she came so close. The pieces at the end of the show were kind of romantic/rock and roll. Softer colours, more textured fabric, with a rock and roll edge in the form of a leather jacket or a trench coat with studded sleeves. The show was full of classics with a very modern twist. It was the Jetsons, motorcycle jackets, embellished trench coats, neutrals, bright colours, and a dose of animal print for good measure. Yet with all of the variety the show still maintained a sense of uniform.


The lights turned on, and people started filing out. This part took forever, as there were paparazzi crowding every exit. I saw Fashion Television doing some interviews on the way out, and I got so excited that I had to resist from jumping in front of the camera and saying "What up Canada?!" Thankfully, I did not, it would have been really embarrassing for me. All in all, it was a great show, my first time was special! It did make me question how well-suited I am to work in the industry though; for a bunch of people who love fashion, and who I heard say good things as the show was ending, I've never seen so many seemingly unimpressed people before. I don't think I'm cool enough for this!

Model fall at the end of the show. Photo by Ben Stansall, afp/ getty images

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lady Gaga at VMAs

Never one to be outdone, Lady Gaga chose 3 outrageous things to wear to the VMAs. I love the giant black gown, and coordinating Mohawk. It must be difficult for Lady Gaga to out do her own outfits, so she went for an all meat dress. Shocking. Obviously this pissed PETA off, who released a statement to remind people, unnecessarily I might ad, as it is doubtful anyone would try this look at home, that within a very short period of time this dress would smell of rancid meat and probably be crawling with maggots. YUM. When asked about her reasoning behind the flesh dress, Gaga responded by saying;
Well, it is certainly no disrespect to anyone that is vegan or vegetarian. As you know, I am the most judgement-free human being on the earth. However, it has many interpretations. For me this evening, if we don’t stand up for what we believe in and if we don’t fight for our rights pretty soon, we’re going to have as much rights as the meat on own bones. And, I am not a piece of meat.”
I feel almost blasphemous for saying this, but although it was obviously meant to shock, it's almost predictable, as is her explanation for it. I love me some Gaga, but the meat dress made my stomach turn just a little.


Looking more like he's going to Comic Con than the VMAs, Will.I.Am opted for this plastic hat/wig thing to cap off his ensemble (please excuse the pun). He also painted his face black...er, which I equate with me wearing a spray tan, but some people got all uppity about it and compared it to black-face. Go figure.

Taylor Swift VMAs

It might be an unorthodox outfit choice for the VMAs, but this glamorous retro look is working for me. The finger wave, the dark lipstick, and the romantic dress all work without being too fussy for such a relaxed show.


Kind of interesting, also kind of like she is singing back up for Frankie Avalon in 'Beauty School Drop Out.'


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...

If Bjork and Oksana Baiul Mated...

This would be the product. She was even quoted to say she felt like an ice skater...and she looked like one too. It would be kind of awesome if her next tour all took place on a rink, "Katy Perry on Ice."

Cher Tried To Turn Back Time

Wearing the most obvious 'I've still got it' look of the night, Cher wore the iconic get up she donned in the 'If I Could Turn Back Time' music video. I'm of two minds, mind 1: I'm mildly disturbed, she's 64 and I can see everything...gross. Mind 2: Wow, she's 64, and truth be told, if I look like that at 64 I'd be tempted to show everyone too.

Do I Love This Or Hate It?

I can't decide, is it Old Hollywood glam in an unconventional way, orrrr did she get it from her grandmother's attic? I think I may be leaning toward hate...no, love...no, hate, definitely hate. Her performance outfit was much better.

Eeek, What Happened?

I don't even know what to say...this is just too awful. See Emma Stone's look (below) and see what she SHOULD have worn if she wanted to accomplish this look. She chose the tackiest possible way to accessorize this dress, which is too big. Lose the tights, some plain nude or black pumps, and throw away the belt and MAYBE this outfit can be salvaged. Also, there is such thing as being too thin, eat a cheeseburger.

Kristen Stewart, Is That You?

Emma Stone's resemblance to Kristen Stewart at the VMAs is uncanny, she's even got the trademark scowl. That being said, I like Emma Stone, I even like Kristen Stewart, so it follows that I like this look. Dark red hair, black leather mini dress, and super pale skin? Is she auditioning for a part in the next vampire series/movie that I'm sure is in the works? If so, I wanna go see it!

Coco Rocha, you so prettyyy

I love this mermaid style skirt/top combo Coco Rocha is wearing. I couldn't find a full length photo, but it goes all the way to the ground. Very pretty. Slightly odd choice for the MTV awards where the usual outfit is much less formal, but maybe she doesn't get invited to the other award shows so she wanted to pull out the stops. Whatever, I still like it.

Dan Humphrey Is Smokin'

It doesn't take much effort for a guy to look good, well-fitted jeans, tshirt, worn leather jacket, a good haircut and a bit of scruff. Perf.
So why do some of them still walk around like this?

I think I can actually smell the Axe body spray from here.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Mad Men Style

Fashion enthusiasts everywhere are going mad for Mad Men. The AMC show is influencing fashion in much the same way that Sex and the City did while it was on the air. Everyone from high fashion designers, such as Louis Vuitton, to high street shops, such as Mango, are jumping aboard the Mad Men band wagon.

Above: Scarlet Johansson modelling for Mango F/W2010, Alexa Chung at Louis Vuitton F/W2010
Above: Louis Vuitton f/w 2010 ad

The show is even influencing a change in body type we are seeing in print campaigns and on the runway. The Marilyn body seems to be back, thanks to Christina Hendricks. The clothing is perfect to fit the classic hourglass shape of vintage movie stars. It's feminine, yet structured, conservative, yet provocative. Although it is true that the hourglass is no less rare a shape than the waif we've been seeing in fashion since the days of Kate Moss, it comes as a refreshing change. It promotes the idea that there are lots of different shapes and sizes out there, and clothing that fits those shapes.

Here are some things I found that have been inspired by this retro-glam style.

clockwise from top: Mango dress, as seen on Scarlet Johansson (above), price unknown. Big Vintage Knot Earring, £12.00, Urban Outfitters. Batwing Over Sized Coat, £110.00, Top Shop. Madam Butterfly 150 leopard platform pumps, Christian Louboutin £642.50. ASOS Leather Croc Across Body Bag, £50.00 Asos.com. Evase Long Skirt, £39.99, Zara. Striped Short Sleeved Sweater, £40.00 Oasis. ASOS Pussy Bow Blouse £26.00.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

GagAb Fab...

I found this on TMZ.com...excellent.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

2010 Emmys

Some were good, some were awful, and some I just couldn't decide...

We'll start of with the best of the night...

Jayma Mays, of Glee fame, arrived on the Red Carpet wearing this navy Burberry dress. The silhouette may be simple, but the colour is rich and the texture is beautiful, so it wins. Her hair, makeup and accessories don't add much to the look, but they don't take anything away, so they work too.

I really liked this one-shoulder dress by Dior that Emily Blunt wore. It's so soft and flowy looking, and the lilac is beaut on her fair skin. Her grey smokey eye makeup and 20's style up-do glam it up, but still look soft. Again, it might be a simple look but it works; she looks good.

Kelly Osborne looks great. Again, a simple dress, but with a bit of interest in the geometric patten on the skirt. My only concern is with her hair, it's so yellow, it looks like she did it at home. (The gown is Tony Ward, BTW)

You might be inclined to question my judgment when you see that I've put this in the best pile, but bear with me; she looks appropriate for the evening, but it also looks like she bought this dress at a vintage store, it's been at the back of her closet forever. It works in a very simple-yet-atypical, Carrie Bradshaw kind of way. The dress is, in fact, vintage by the way, it was made by Jean Louis Scherrer.

And now for the not-quite-there ensembles.

Before I start, you should know that some of the dresses in this category are my favourite of the night, but I couldn't put them in the best pile because they had stupid hair or something else that ruined it for them.

This Gucci dress worn by Rose Byrne is one of my favourites. From the neck down, she looks like a Greek Goddess. It's really too bad about her hair though; it's generally advised not to stick your finger in an electrical outlet, particularly not before a big event.

Another dress that I almost love, worn by Anna Paquin. The gold detailing on the top of this Alexander McQueen dress is beautiful. When I saw pictures of her from the side, Anna looked great, but from dead on is another story. Something about the shape of this dress, or lack thereof, is making the True Blood star look wide and boxy. Not cute.

This Zac Posen dress that Christina Hendricks is wearing almost made the best dressed pile. The colour is magic with her skin tone, and it shows of her Jessica Rabbit bod without looking scandalous (which is difficult with those boobs). I also love the feathers around the train. My problem with the dress is the feathers around the shoulders, she already has a lot going on on top, and the extras are a bit suffocating. I just want to rip her sleeves off, because otherwise she looks fab.

This Versace dress worn by January Jones is amazing, I so badly wanted to put it in the best pile. The silhouette is lovely, the asymmetrical cut of the skirt is beaut, I love the layered, satiny, jewel-toned fabric, and the neckline is great. The problem is her hair...she couldn't have done something with it? I'm not talking about a fancy up-do, but it looks like she's going to the grocery store from the neck up.

Moving on to the bad:

Lauren Graham, I like you, but why are you wearing this horribly unflattering dress? This black and white Yigal Azrouel gown is doing absolutely nothing for you.

I don't even know who or what Lo Bosworth is wearing, but I'm pretty sure she bought it at Banana Republic. Maybe she's trying to get hired onto the cast of Mad Men? Or she just popped by on her way home from a business lunch? When is this girl going to stop dressing like she's middle aged?

Sarah Hyland, from Modern Family, came to the Emmys wearing a beautifully elegant Jessica McClintock, I mean Pamella Roland Gown. Seriously though, where is the white stretch limo and corsage?

Tina Fey's dress looks like the writings on a museum wall during an Ancient Egypt exhibit. I don't like it.

This look put Lea Michele firmly in the middle of good, and laughably bad. The beautifully structured navy Oscar de la Renta dress she wore was lovely, but when you put it with that necklace and HORRIBLE hair, she looks like an Orange Country housewife. it's just bad. Her bobble head looks out of control. She would have been much better off with a simple, loose chignon, and a big ring, no necklace.

And now, finally, the laughably awful looks of the Emmys

Dianna Agron, wearing Carolina Herrara, looks like she is going to a debutante ball in the south in I don't know what decade. It's bad, it's like some gaudy table cloth that her grandmother made into a dress for her. Hideous.

Mindy Kaling is an actress on the comedy series The Office, so this dress has to be a joke right? I mean she does funny for a living...

Yet another winner from the cast of Glee. Naya Rivera is wearing a Simin gown, and boy is this look a doozy. I'm pretty sure this one isn't meant to be a joke, unless her stylist was playing a joke on her. Her bun is unreal, I've never seen one so...large. Her dress looks like a bad bridesmaid's dress. In fact, maybe it is one. Her friend probably got married last Christmas and made her buy this hideous dress, promising that she'd be able to wear it again, and look at that! she found another occasion for it! Apparently the Glee actress gets her kicks egging people's cars who have scorned her....time to track down your stylist, Naya.