Monday, June 14, 2010

Ooh, Classy.

There is nothing I dislike more than a label whore. Okay fine, there are some things, but label whores are pretty high up there. In honour of these people, John Galliano has come out with designer contacts for Christian Dior that encircle the iris with a halo of gold, and have "CD" printed on them.

Who would buy these? I might have just figured it out:

These lenses are clearly targeted towards the same people who buy logo-blasted designer, or knock-off, accessories just to show people how "classy" they are. They have no legitimate interest in fashion for any purpose other than to show-off, and are likely to wear the t-shirts that come with their perfume, and accessorize with the ribbons from the make-up counter that tie their "free gift with purchase" bag together. They probably also wear slogans across their butts, and go around telling people which SATC character they identify with (I'm SUCH a Carrie!)
Ew. I'll wager that anyone who buys these sunglasses would proudly display their trash in these Louis Vuitton trash bags. Are these for real?

Have fun with your $500 tiny purses, people!

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